Grigeo Group AB

Grigeo Group AB

Vilniaus st. 10, Grigiškės, LT-27101, Vilnius city municipality, Lithuania
Tel. +370 5 243 5801

Name of legal entity:  Grigeo Group AB

Address: Vilniaus st. 10, Grigiškės, LT-27101, Vilnius city municipality, Lithuania

Legal entity code: 110012450
VAT code: LT100124515

Checking accounts:
SEB bankas AB
Account No (IBAN): LT57 7044 0600 0091 4946
Bank code: 70440
Swift code: CBVILT2X

Nordea Bank AB Lithuanian branch
Account No: LT98 2140 0300 0361 2200
Bank code: 21400

Grigeo Klaipėda AB

Grigeo Klaipėda AB

Nemuno st. 2, LT-91199, Klaipėda
Tel. +370 46 395601
Faks. +370 46 395600

Name of legal entity: Grigeo Klaipėda AB

Address: Nemuno st. 2, LT-91199, Klaipėda, Lithuania

Legal entity code: 141011268
VAT code: LT410112610

Checking accounts:
,,Swedbank“ AB
Account No (IBAN): LT30 7300 0100 0233 0814
Bank code: 73000
Swift code: HABA LT 22

Guest registration:

You can get acquainted with all the information on how we process Your personal data in our Privacy Policy.

Grigeo Packaging UAB

Grigeo Packaging UAB

Vilniaus st. 10, Grigiškės, LT-27101, Vilnius city municipality, Lithuania
Tel. +370 5 243 5838

Representative in Estonia Indrek Valgma:
Tel. +372 56 791 456

Name of legal entity:  Grigeo Packaging UAB

Address: Vilniaus st. 10, Grigiškės, LT-27101, Vilnius city municipality, Lithuania

Legal entity code: 302329061
VAT code: LT100012003114

Checking accounts:
SEB bankas AB
Account No (IBAN): LT43 7044 0600 0688 5451
Bank code: 70440
Swift code: CBVILT2X

Grigeo Baltwood UAB

Grigeo Baltwood UAB

Vilniaus st. 10, Grigiškės, LT-27101, Vilnius city municipality, Lithuania
Tel. +370 5 243 5900
Faks. +370 5 243 5910

Name of legal entity: Grigeo Baltwood UAB

Address: Vilnius st. 10, Grigiškės, LT-27101 Vilnius city municipality, Lithuania

Legal entity code: 126199731
VAT code: LT261997314

Settlement account:
Lithuanian branch of OP Corporate Bank plc
Account No (IBAN): LT04 2150 0510 0007 1790
Bank code: 21500
Swift code: OKOYLT2X

Grigeo Recycling UAB

Grigeo Recycling UAB

Vilniaus st. 10, Grigiškės, LT-27101, Vilnius city municipality, Lithuania
Tel. +370 5 243 3393

Name of legal entity: Grigeo Recycling UAB

Address: Vilniaus g. 10, Grigiškės, LT-27101 Vilniaus m. sav., Lietuva

Legal entity code: 302529158
VAT code: LT100006356010

Checking accounts:
SEB bankas AB
Account No (IBAN): LT 80 7044 0600 0785 7404
Bank code: 70440
Swift code: CBVILT2X